
1958 出生於京都市
1982 京都教育大學特修美術科畢業
1997 兵庫教育大學教育研究所畢業

1984《女一人》第 16 回日展,初入選
1993 日美雕刻家交流展,京都畫廊
1995《淑》第 27 回日展,東京都美術館,特選受賞
《默》第 48 回京展,市長賞受賞
1998《嫩葉之香》第 50 屆京展,獲得市長賞
1999《求心》第 31 回日展,東京都美術館,特選受賞
2001《虛》第 31 回日雕展,東京都美術館
《縛》第 33 回日展
2002《爽》第 58 回現代美術展,石川縣立美術館最高賞
《關係Ⅰ》第 34 回日展,東京都美術館
2003《關係Ⅱ》第 33 回日雕展,東京都美術館
《關係Ⅲ》第 35 回日展,東京都美術館
2004《JUN》第 60 回現代美術展,石川縣立美術館
《A woman》第 34 回日雕展,東京都美術館
2004《關係Ⅶ》第 36 回日展,東京都美術館
2005《關係Ⅷ》第 40 回昭和會展,日動畫廊,招待出品
《關係Ⅸ》第 40 回昭和會展,日動畫廊,招待出品
《R/2005-2》第 61 回現代美術展,次年起會員邀請展出
《R/2005-1》第 35 回日雕展,東京都美術館
《祈》第 37 回日展,東京都美術館
2006《祈》第 36 回日雕展,東京都美術館
《Afloat '06》第 38 回日展,東京都美術館
2007《Broken》第 63 回現代美術展,石川縣立美術館
《A statue》第 37 回日雕展,國立新美術館
2008 北陸日雕會作品研究會展,砺波市立美術館
《Bless(中型)》第 6 回日雕會新鋭選抜展,青羅畫廊美術會館
《Bless》第 64 回現代美術展,金澤 21 世紀美術館
《A statue '08》第 38 回日雕展,國立新美術館
2009《Bless '08》第 40 回日展,國立新美術館,新審査員
《Falling》第 65 回現代美術展,金澤 21 世紀美術館
《KISARAGI》日雕會選抜展,日本橋三越本館 6 階特選畫廊
《在》第 39 回日雕展,國立新美術館
《在Ⅱ》第 41 回日展,國立新美術館,會員出品
2010《惟》第 66 回現代美術展,石川縣立美術館,審査員
《A statue'10》第 40 回日雕展,國立新美術館,北陸日雕會賞受賞
《A Seated Figure 10》第 42 回日展,國立新美術館
2011《Wish》第 67 回現代美術展,金澤 21 世紀美術館
《祈》日雕會選抜展,日本橋三越本店 6 階美術特選畫廊
《祈'11》第 41 回日雕展,國立新美術館
《祈'11(vol.2)》第 43 回日展,國立新美術館
2012《盼春》第 68 回現代美術展,金澤 21 世紀美術館
《Silence》第 42 回日雕展,東京都美術館
《醫之源流 繼往開來》金澤大學創立 150 周年紀念公共藝術
《邁向夢想》京都府立工業高校創立 50 周年公共藝術
《沉潛》第 44 回日展,國立新美術館
2013《M '13 Ver.2》第 69 回現代美術展,石川縣立美術館,美術文化優秀賞受賞
《M '13 Ver.1》第 43 回日雕展,東京都美術館
《浮游》第 45 回日展,國立新美術館
2014 《表彰渡邊治先生浮雕》金澤大學醫藥保健研究所醫學系
《MAI '14 Ver.1》第 70 回現代美術展,金澤 21 世紀美術館,審査員
《MAI '14 Ver.2》第 44 回日雕展,東京都美術館,北陸日雕會賞受賞
《MAI—in mid autumn—》改組新第 1 回日展,國立新美術館
2015《浮游Ⅱ》第 71 回現代美術展,石川縣立美術館
《起》第 45 回日雕展,東京都美術館
第 2 回清華大學美術學院・金澤美術工藝大學交流展,金澤 21 世紀美術館
改組新第 2 回日展,國立新美術館,東京
2016 氣韻生動-石田陽介人物雕塑展,赤粒藝術,台北
2019 第 10 屆國際袖珍雕塑展,國立台灣藝術大學,台北
2020 極小同大-國際袖珍雕塑展,赤粒藝術,台北

Ishida Yosuke

Sculpture Professor, Kanazawa College of Art
1958 Born in Kyoto
1982 Special Faculty of Fine Arts, Kyoto University of Education
1997 Graduate School of Education, Hyogo University of Education


1984“A Woman” , the 16th Nitten selected
1993 Japan and American sculptors’ Art Exchange, Kyoto Gallery
1995 Elegance”, the 27th Nitten special award, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
1996 “My Little Boy”, Nicchouten Young Talents Selection, Yurakucho Asahi Gallery
“Silence”, the 48th Kyoten Exhibition, Mayor’s Award
1998 “Fragrance of Fresh Leaves”, the 50th Kyoten Exhibition, Mayor’s Award
1999 “Changes Start within Our Hearts”, the 31th Nitten Special Award, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
2001 “Nonexistence”, the 31th Nicchouten, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
“Restraint”, the 33th Nitten
2002 “Fresh ”, 58th Contemporary Art Exhibition, Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art
“RelationⅠ”, the 34th Nitten, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
“RelationⅡ”, the 33th Nicchouten, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
“RelationⅢ”, the 35th Nitten, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
2004 “JUN” , the 60th Contemporary Art Exhibition in Ishikawa , Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art
“A woman”, the 34th Nicchouten, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
2004 “RelationⅦ”, the 36th Nitten, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
2005 “RelationⅧ”, the 40th Shouwakai Exhibition, Nichido Gallery
“RelationⅨ”, the 40th Shouwakai Exhibition, Nichido Gallery
“Cloud Festival”, Art Town projects, Yamanaka-cho, Ishikawa
“R/2005-2”, the 61th Contemporary Art Exhibition
“R/2005-1”, the 35th Nicchouten, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
“Pray ”, the 37th Nitten, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
2006“PrayⅡ”, the 36th Nicchouten , Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
“Out of the Woods”, a monument for Kanazawa Municipal Morinosato Elementary School
“Afloat '06”, the 38th Nitten, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
“Broken”, the 63th Contemporary Art Exhibition in Ishikawa, Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art
“A statue”, the 37th Nicchouten, The National Art Center, Tokyo
2008“Bless(medium size)” the 6th Nicchoukai Young Talents Selection, Art House Gallery SEIRA
“Bless”, the 64th Contemporary Art Exhibition, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art
“Against the wind”, A monument for Kanazawa Tagamihonmachi Asagiridai Yuuyuu park
“A statue '08”, the 38th Nicchouten, The National Art Center, Tokyo
2009 “Bless '08”, the 40th Nitten, The National Art Center, Tokyo, member of the committee
“Falling”, the 65th Contemporary Art Exhibition, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art
“KISARAGI”, Nicchoukai Selection Exhibition, Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi Fine Arts Gallery
“Existence”, the 39th Nicchouten, The National Art Center, Tokyo
“ExistenceⅡ”, the 41th Nitten, The National Art Center, Tokyo, exhibited as a Nitten member
2010“Thought ”, the 66th Contemporary Art Exhibition in Ishikawa, Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art, Examiner, member of the committee
“A statue'10” , the 40th Nicchouten, The National Art Center, Tokyo, awarded by Nicchoukai,Hokuriku
“A statue'10”, the 42th Nitten, The National Art Center, Tokyo
2011 “Wish”, the 67th Contemporary Art Exhibition, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art
“Pray”, Nicchoukai Selection exhibition, Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi Fine Arts Gallery
“Pray '11”, the 41th Nicchouten, The National Art Center, Tokyo
“Pray '11(vol.2)”, the 43th Nitten, The National Art Center, Tokyo
2012“Waiting for spring”, the 68th Contemporary Art Exhibition, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art
“Silence”, the 42th Nicchouten, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
“Medicine, its Origin and Succession”, a monument for Kanazawa University 150 Anniversary
“Toward the Dream”, a monument for Kyoto Prefectural Technical High School 50th Anniversary
“Meditation”, the 44th Nitten, The National Art Center, Tokyo
2013“M '13 Ver.2”, the 69th Contemporary Art Exhibition in Ishikawa, Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art, Excellence award
“M '13 Ver.1”, the 43th Nicchouten, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
“Floating”, the 45th Nitten, The National Art Center, Tokyo
2014“In Honor of Mr. Osamu Watanab, a relief”, placed at Kanazawa University
“MAI '14 Ver.1”, the 70th Contemporary Art Exhibition, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, member of the committee
“ MAI '14 Ver.2”, the 44th Nicchouten, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, awarded by Nicchoukai,Hokuriku
“MAI—in mid autumn—”, the first Reorganized new Nitten, The National Art Center, Tokyo
2015“FloatingⅡ”, the 71th Contemporary Art Exhibition in Ishikawa, Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art
“Rising up”, the 45th Nicchouten, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
The 2nd Art Exchange Exhibition of Tsinghua University Academy of Art, Kanazawa College of Art, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Civic Art Gallery B
Fit Within vs. Go Beyond:Exhibition of International Shoebox Sculpture, Red Gold Fine Art, Taipei
The 2nd Reorganized new Nitten, The National Art Center, Tokyo
2016Flesh and Blood: Ishida Yohsuke's Figure Sculptures
-- The aesthetic inheritance of the canonical figure sculpture of Art Exhibition Japan, Red Gold Fine Art, Taipei
2019 The 10th International Shoebox Sculpture Exhibition, National Taiwan University of Arts, Taipei
2020 Little Big Things-International Shoebox Sculpture Exhibition, Red Gold Fine Art, Taipei